AjtóWe write our performances ourselves. In our performances, we lead our Wanderers into borderline situations of human existence, raising awareness of issues that are meant to help them live and carry on with humaneness.



This performance attempts to deepen and personalize the wonder which – after the period of Advent - appears at Christmas. This feast only shows an external light of what is meant to be born in the human soul. After the winter solstice in nature, and within the deepest external darkness something may move and help You out of the darkness. All this happens inside, within the human soul. It shall happen inside so that we can really understand what we celebrate at Christmas. Our performance in meant to help You with this.


This performance helps You rediscover the component elements of Your life and existence.  We invite our Wanderers to a journey in the world of elements: earth, water, air, fire and the fifth element keeping al the former four together. Through these elements, which appear in all ancient cultures, we lead our Wanderers to a place where something more and something complete can be born at the bottom of the human soul. This performance helps You live every moment of Your life deeper and more consciously.


The aim of this performance is to show our Wanderers that even if You lose your eyesight, the world does not cease to exist around You. Though You might feel extremely lonely blindfolded, and inexperienced even in the most ordinary things, You are not sightless. What’s more: You might often realize being helped … This can give You strength to help others.